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Planer UNIVERSAL 300 500 700 1000 1500

The 4-side planer type Universal is used for processing of lamellar elements as well as the big sizes beams.
Its special structure allows to work at high speed up to 100mt/1’ with high accuracy.  The machine is equipped with a jointer system to get a high quality finish.

TECHNICAL DATA Universal 300 Universal 500 Universal 700 Universal 1000 Universal 1500
Max section mm. 300×300 300×500 300×700 300×1000 300×1500
Feeding speed mt/1′ 3-30/ 6-60/ 10-100 3-30 3-30 3-30 3-30
Tools motors kw 15-30 15-30 40 50 50

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Driving system with automatic lubrication by means of cardanic joints The independent pneumatic pressure are automatically lubricated. Lifting system on four hardened, chromed and ground columns Ø 110mm. equipped with automatic and lubricated angular transmissions.

The working tables as well as the feeding rollers are hardened, chromed and ground.

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